Lady Lalo

Sunday 31 May 2015

Accidentally Amazing Tuna & Quinoa Patties

Every now and then, when I am not prepared and pressed for time I have a kitchen disaster! Yes, they happen to the best of us. I can confidently say that they happen far less these days than they used to, like that time that I served my husband raw chicken, yep like REALLY raw (hangs head in shame). Of course now that I have a lot more experience in the kitchen, when I do have a cooking dilemma I can usually hide it or transform it into something else.

This recipe came about when I accidentally overcooked my Quinoa yesterday (testing out my 'Brown rice cooker' function on the Pressure cooker) and it turned out soggy and not so appetising. I didn't have time to start from scratch again, and hubby wasn't home to entertain the little lady whilst I was cooking dinner. So I had to think quick and make do with what I had. I never expected these Accidentally amazing Tuna & Quinoa Patties to be loved so much by my little lady and my husband. Hubs even asked me to make a second batch of them after eating the leftovers for lunch yesterday. I also packed them in my little lady's lunchbox and took them to the Wiggles concert with us and they held up great, she had no issues eating them cold either. A total win!

I actually think that the overcooked Quinoa is was made these delicious little patties so good. It gave them a creamy and soft texture in the middle. Try and cook your quinoa a little longer than normally recommended so that the seeds have completely expanded and don't have any bite left. Please note that what you cook your Quinoa in and with will impact on the overall flavor of the patties.

2 x cups Cooked Quinoa (I cooked mine in Bone Broth and added 1 Shredded Carrot, 1 shredded Zucchini and a cup of finely chopped Cabbage)
1 x cup Tuna (I use Pole and Line Caught Tuna in Olive Oil)
2 x Freerange Eggs
2 x Tablespoons Flaxseed Meal
1 x Tablespoon Chia Seeds
Herbamare Seasoning or Salt & Pepper

Mix all Ingredients in a large bowl, spoon mixture into Silicone muffin cups and into a preheated oven on 180 degrees. Cook for 30-35  minutes or until they have formed a thin brown crust on the outside. They will still be soft to touch and on the inside.

I hope these are as big of a hit in your home as they were in mine!

Love & Gratitude


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