Lady Lalo

Sunday 7 June 2015

Toddler Style Chicken Cacciatore

My little lady has become quite the fusspot of late, so when I made this dish for her and she LOVED it the other night I decided it was definitely worth posting. I also don't want to lose my recipe so adding it to the blog is my own personal recipe book!

I hope you get as much success with this recipe as we did. It is a perfect toddler or adult meal, enjoyed by kids big and small!


4 x large Freerange (preferably Organic) Chicken Thighs (cut into quarters)
1 x Leek (chopped thin)
1 x Carrot (diced small)
1 x Zucchini (diced small)
1/4 capsicum (as above)
1 full cup chopped Baby Spinach
1/2 cup Organic Pitted Kalamata Olives (when cut in halves)
1 tablespoon Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon Minced Garlic
2 heaped Teaspoons Organic Tomato Paste
1/4 cup chopped Parsley
2 teaspoon Herbamare (or season to taste)
2 teaspoon Italian dried Herbs
200g (1/2 can) Diced Tomatos (I use Honest to Goodness brand as the cans are BPA free)
1/2 cup Bone Broth
1 large tablespoon Flaxseed Meal
1 tablespoon Ghee (or quality fat of choice)

(I used a pressure cooker, but you could just as easily make this in a slow cooker or on the stove top. Just adjust the cooking time.

1. Saute Leek in Ghee or other good quality fat until translucent.
2. Add in all chopped vegetables, tomato paste, Garlic and dried herbs &spices. Stir through until all coated.
3. Pour in Bone Broth and Tomatos and let simmer.
4. Season sauce to taste.
5. Add in Chicken and cover. I pressure cooked for 20 minutes.
6. Once cooked, stir through the fresh parsley and serve.

I hope this delicious dish is as popular with your little ones as it was with mine.

Love & Gratitude


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