Lady Lalo

Sunday 7 June 2015

Lady Lalo's Chocolate Mud cake with hidden veggies!

On Thursday my little lady turns TWO. Today we celebrated her birthday at my parents house with a family BBQ, surrounded by our loved ones. 

As the days go by in the lead up to the big Two. Its dawning on me that Lady Lalo is no longer a baby. She is growing into a beautiful, intelligent little girl. She is aware of the world around her, She knows what she likes, what she wants and what to do to get it. She is stubborn, beyond all measure. She is heart-achingly gentle and kind. She is smarter than I ever thought was possible for this age. She is growing. Every day, every minute. With every new word, new sentence, new colour learnt, new song recited, new dance move adapted.... she is growing. 

Today I sat back and watched her lnteract with her great grandparents, with family friends young and old, with family pets and with herself. Watching her blossoming imagination, watching her put a dummy in her dolly's mouth and pat her back while she rocked back and forth and sung her a little lullaby (in Italian). I was overcome with pride, to be raising this incredible child. 

One day I hope my little lady reads these posts and takes comfort in these words. Everything I do my love is for you, every time I tell you 'later' when you ask me to play and I'm too busy cooking dinner... I promise I am just trying to make sure that you get the best most nutritious meal to make you grow big and strong. Every time I pick you up, when you really want to walk... I promise its to keep you safe from harm my darling. Every time I leave for work in the morning and you wave goodbye to me from the back door with that sad look on your face... I promise its so that we can give you everything you want and need my love, so you never have to want for anything. I hope you know, that every time my heart beats its beating for you my baby. 

Happy Second Birthday sweet girl... Thank you for choosing me. 

This recipe made 24 cupcakes and a whole Birthday cake. Halve the recipe if you don't require that much.

Cake Ingredients: 

2.5 cups Hazelnut Meal
2.5 cups Almond Meal
1 cup Raw Cacao
4 teaspoons Baking Soda
2 teaspoons Himalayan Salt
12 Freerange Eggs
1 cup Raw Honey
1 cup Coconut Sugar
4 Zucchini's (shredded)
8 tablespoons Coconut Oil (melted)
Coconut Oil or Olive oil spray for greasing


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees
2. Grease cake or muffin tins
3. Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl
4. Add eggs & Honey into a food processor and process until all combined. 
4. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir well with a spatula. Combine well so that there are no lumps
5. Add coconut oil into mixture and stir well until combined 
6. Add grated zucchini and fold through well. 
7. Pour into cake tin and bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until a skewer is inserted and comes out clean. 
8. Allow to cool before icing 

Frosting Ingredients: 

200 grams Medjool Dates (preferable organic with no added sugar)
6 tablespoons Coconut Cream
2 tablespoons Raw Cacao
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Paste
1 tablespoon Honey
2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
1 tablespoon Boiling Water 


1. De-seed the dates and place in a food processor with coconut cream and boiling water. Process
2. When the dates resemble a thick paste, add in the raw cacao, vanilla paste  and Honey. Process until all combined.
3. Add in coconut oil and mix well with a spoon. 

This cake really is proof that there is no need for refined sugars, dairy , gluten or additives.. We can create healthy alternatives that are just as popular with the kids and adults alike. 

Love & Gratitude


  1. Beautiful. Such a lucky little girl to have such a loving mumma, Sunni xx

    1. oh Thank you hun, I think I'm the lucky one. I hope you are loving your motherhood journey. xox

  2. You make me proud! The cake was DELICIOUS

    1. Thanks mumma, I've learnt from the best! xox

  3. Hi what could I use as a substitute for the coconut sugar please? :)

    1. Hi Kirsty, You could add extra honey and leave out the coconut sugar. Or Substitute the coconut sugar for Lucuma Powder for a little extra sweetness.

  4. 3 Researches SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally kill fat by eating Coconut Fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
