Lady Lalo

Monday 22 June 2015

Simple Salmon & Quinoa Lunchbox Patties

Quick and easy nutritious lunches to go, seem to be the meal we mumma's struggle with the most. When you are at home, its easy to offer healthy leftovers from the night before or whip up a quick omelette but when you are out and about surrounded by other kids eating sandwiches, biscuits etc.. it gets a whole lot harder.

I've decided to make a few quick lunch box options for Lady Lalo each week and freeze portions, so that I always have something on hand to pack for her on days when our mornings are filled with activities and play dates. Today I came up with these nutrient dense little patties, loaded with omega 3's, Calcium, Iron and Fibre. A perfect little lunch box treat, and they were a big hit with my little lady and my hubby which is always a bonus!


-1 x can Red Salmon (415g) - use the best quality tinned salmon you can find, always buy brands that support sustainably caught seafood.
-Small handful of fresh parsley
-Juice of 1 lemon
-1 tsp Herbamare (or seasoning of choice and to your taste)
-2 tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-1 x cup cooked Quinoa (I always cook my quinoa in Bone Broth for extra nutrients and flavour)
-1 x tablespoon Flaxseed Meal
-1/4 tablespoon Chia Seeds
-1 Freerange Egg


(preheat oven to 180 degrees)

1. Drain liquid from the salmon and remove the vertebrae bone. (Don't bother removing any of the smaller bones, these are completely edible, full of calcium and will break down in the food processor)
2. Add Salmon, Lemon juice, Parsley and Olive Oil into a food processor. Process until all combined and parsley is chopped finely within the salmon.
3. Transfer into a large bowl and mix in the remaining ingredients, combine well and season to taste.
4. Line your tray with baking paper. Using your hands take the mixture and mould into patties on the baking paper.
5. Bake for 20 minutes (10 mins on one side until lightly browned, flip and 10 mins on the other side)

I tried to make these as mess free as possible, so they are an easy lunch for my little lady to eat on the go, hence why I have used Chia Seeds as well as Flax and Egg for binding. This is to absorb any excess moisture. My little lady did not mind it at all, but if you find these to be a little dry you could pair them with a yummy natural yoghurt and cucumber dressing or a healthy kale & chickpea hummus. Also you could try to add some extra moisture to the mixture by grating some zucchini or carrot in.

Love & Gratitude


1 comment:

  1. Going to make these patties for Friday dinner! Lovely
