Lady Lalo

Thursday 20 August 2015

7 Veg Creamy Buckwheat Pasta

Do you ever get the feeling that you are well and truly on the right path? That step by step you are getting closer to your soul purpose?

Right now, in this moment. I do.
I have learnt and grown so much in the past 12 months. Our wholefoods journey has taught me so much about myself, about my relationships and about what really matters. My views have shifted and I no longer have the want or desire for expensive things. I don’t feel like I ‘need’ material things to fulfil a void in my life anymore. I’ve realised that the number one and most important thing is health. My family’s health and my health both physically and mentally come first before everything else.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately of how various people, from all walks of life come to this kind of lifestyle and get to the point in their lives where they say ‘Enough is enough’ and it’s time for a change. Most of the biography’s I have read from various health food bloggers or health advocates usually start off with telling their reason for turning to a cleaner healthier lifestyle and I notice the same three reasons appear over and over again. Either they have had a health scare that they haven’t been able to find an answer for through modern medicine so they turn to a natural way of living and start to see the incredible benefits. Or someone they are close too has either fallen sick or passed away and that ignites a motivation in them to transition their own lives. Or more commonly and in my own case, we have children and we think we are giving them the best start in life until you find out they have an allergy and we as parents try with all our might to make sure this ‘burden’ doesn’t affect their lives. For so many of us, that same burden is in turn a blessing and the beginning of a new and happier journey of awareness and food education.

So, what about the others? The ones that don’t fall into these categories and are riding through life relatively unaffected by the unhealthy choices they are making. Sure, they get their regular doctors check-ups and all seems fine. They get up in the morning and maybe don’t always feel 100% but they just put it down to having a rough sleep or a late night. What is it that’s going to be the wake up call for these people that one day the way they are treating their bodies will catch up with them?
Today at work a work colleague of mine was mocking another colleague for eating fast food, but he himself was heating up a ‘Lean Cuisine’ packaged meal whilst popping open a can of soft drink. My insides turned and I wanted so much to tell him that he may as well be eating fast food too because the garbage he is consuming is just as much of a chemical and sugar filled shit storm. Instead I bit my tongue because I am already labelled as being “a bit overboard” when it comes to food choices in the office. So if these very clever big companies have brainwashed us all into believing that their packaged processed garbage is a ‘healthy option’ how do we educate the mass into thinking otherwise. Sure enough there are lots of people learning through social media and word of mouth but what about the others, the ones who don’t follow health pages and think natural living is all ‘hippy nonsense’.

I fear that they will finally take notice when it is too late, like so many others before them?

1 ½ x cups Buckwheat Spiral Pasta (I use Orgran Tummy friendly brand)
½ x Leek (Sliced Finely)
1 x cup Cabbage (chopped finely)
1 x Carrot (Finely shredded)
1 x Zucchini (Finely shredded)
½ x cup Broccoli florets (chop roughly)
½ x cup Cauliflower florets (chop roughly)
3 x large Spinach leaves (chopped finely, or a handful of baby spinach)
½ x cup Bone Broth
1 x tsp Herbamare (or seasoning of choice)
½ x tsp Coconut Butter
Sprinkle of Nutritional Yeast
2 x tablespoons Beef Tallow or Ghee for frying

1.       In a small pot boil your water and cook Buckwheat pasta (usually for 8 mins, but cook for only 6 minutes in the pot and remove from heat. You don’t want it soggy)

2.       In a saucepan heat up the beef tallow and throw in the Leek and cabbage. Sauté until the veg has softened and is translucent.

3.       Add into the saucepan the Cauliflower, Broccoli, Carrot, Zucchini and Spinach and sauté until the veggies begin to soften.

4.       Add in the Bone broth and stir through well. Season at this point with Herbamare or seasoning of choice.

5.       Reduce the heat and let the bone broth simmer with the lid on until it starts to reduce and thicken. Add a couple of tablespoons of the pasta water into the saucepan (the starch from the buckwheat pasta will help the sauce to thicken and become creamy)

6.       Using a slotted spoon add the pasta into your saucepan to mix through the sauce. Taste the pasta, if it is too al dente place a lid on your saucepan to help steam the pasta a little further (you can use a little more bone broth or pasta water to lubricate the sauce if required).

7.       Once the liquid has reduce and the pasta is cooked and fully coated remove from heat. Add in the Coconut butter and nutritional yeast and stir through until all combined and you have a creamy consistency.

 Note: Nutritional Yeast is a highly nutritious seasoning that is usually used in vegan cuisine to add a cheesy flavour and extra vitamins. If you are not dairy free, feel free to add a sprinkle of cheese to this dish.

 My little lady absolutely adores this dish and I hope your kids do too. It really is a powerhouse of nutrients in one bowl, which I always love. Feel free to mix up the vegetables too, I think mushrooms would make a great addition in it too.

Love and Gratitude


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